Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in the Netherlands

“During my Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs period I had the opportunity to step out from my old professional mindset and step into the entrepreneur style that fits me the best. From physically travelling to a different culture, being immersed into the values of a different organization helped me a lot in widen my creativity and reshaped myself professionally. I could easily find available people ready to support with whatever was needed when the clear question was asked. Being around successes projects and teams or observing their transformative power in the community was really inspiring for me. “ 

“We had a productive and an enriching collaboratio on the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program. Alina was fully involved during the activities together, finding easily ways to fit in the team. She contributed to our projects by bringing a different perspective, her knowhow in working with people and creative ideas for the training courses program.”

HE: description of activities, objectives reached, and outputs
“Alina did a great project based work here in the organization. She worked with our team members in order to supervise the co-trainer teams, keep the communication flow between different teams involved in each project, to co-create materials and content for our events and streamline some of the procedures in the organization.
Her achievements are related to creating a fluent and effective team work environment and obtaining maximum results with minimum effort in terms of working with people.”  

NE: description of activities, objectives reached, and outputs
“Each working visit to the HE organization was an eye opening for me. The key words for the entire experience are professionalism and variety. 
I participated in 5 international projects (trainings, event and exchanges), as part of the project team. I was able to play various roles in each project, From training supervisor, to team supervisor and co-trainer). Through these roles, I had the opportunity to practice skills like: managing teams, organizing practical’s for the training course, connecting different working teams, supporting the training process through participation as well as offering feedback and receiving feedback. 
On the other hand I worked closely with some of the trainers on developing and improving the content of the training course and the program. I could also have an overview of the marketing process, from production to promotion and communication about training courses and youth projects.
By working every time with different international teams, I had the opportunity to meet young entrepreneurs or NGO leaders interested in future collaboration and also to start doing the first steps in building my professional networking. “

DURATION: 4 months distributed in 1 year


Alina Porumboiu, (Embodied Thinking, Learning, Coaching)

COMPANY: Minds in Motion 

Looking for a playground for my ideas


Marko Vlaming, (Training and Youth work)

ORGANISATION: Olde Vechte Fundation 

LOCATION: Netherlands, Ommen

Looking for a playground for my ideas


Many times, the drive in starting a new company is based on your belief of bringing extra value into the world. What can also hold you back from this step is the sensation that you don’t own all the business attributes yet. However, your confidence is based on your competences and imagination. By participating in Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs you can bring together the potential of your imagination (how could that look like) and the actual learning by doing together with immediate feedback.

Alina Porumboiu • New Entrepreneur

As we know, from our practice, there is no other better way to learn a new ability than to take actions. And we are so glad that we could provide a space for our NE to try out new things, to ask questions and to practice in a team with different useful skills for her future business. By participating in Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program you can have the opportunity to play seriously in a safe space. Regarding our business, there is a continuous flow of change in the project teams with volunteers and other NGO collaborators which can constantly enrich the quality of what we offer. I definitely recommend this program!

Marko Vlaming • Host Entrepreneur
Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in the Netherlands
SECRETARIAT 2 July, 2020
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