22nd Network Meeting of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Program in Brussels

CSCS took part, invited by the European Commission, in the 22nd Network Meeting of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme, organized in Brussels. The Consortium “Entrepreneurs’ Mobility”, led by CSCS, organized its own partner meeting around the main event.

The network meeting allowed organizations coming from all Europe and involved in the programme to meet and learn about the latest developments of the programme. Moreover, with this meeting participants could exchange points of view and best practices in order to enhance the participation of the interested entrepreneurs.

The partner meeting allowed our consortium to make the point on the milestones and tasks. During the last 20 months we have supported over 400 entrepreneurs to successfully carry out their exchanges. We have implemented more promotional events, more relationships and made more registrations than initially foreseen.

We look forward to starting the next cycle of the programme, in February 2019!

22nd Network Meeting of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Program in Brussels
SECRETARIAT 16 October, 2018
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