Entrepreneurs’ Mobility Satistics
Asset Technology​, ​in cooperation with the European Commission Representation in Greece​,​organized the last 27th  of October 2016 a live show and twitter-chat to present the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme.

The show was performed in the European Parliament Office of Greece and involved NGRadio and www.europeforall.gr (#EU4U action).

In addition​,​ the Success Story of Glossopolis was presented to the audience by Argyris Peroulakis, Deputy Head of the European Commission Representation in Greece, ​by ​Stylianos-Manos Andreadis, representative of Asset Technology, Intermediary Organisation of EYE programme in Greece​,​ and ​by ​Athina Pitta, Founder of Glossopolis.

Gossopolis ​had already ​been ​considered a Success Story by the European Small Business Portal the last May 2016.

The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme got a great visibility since the show was published in the EC Representation News and promoted through the newsletters of various institutional bodies as for istance that of the “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (EPAnEK) Operational Programme.

Entrepreneurs’ Mobility Satistics
SECRETARIAT 31 October, 2016
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