Entrepreneurs’ Mobility Satistics
Incubatore.net will be inaugurated in Pistoia as a result of a collaboration among CSCS, one of the intermediary organization of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, the schools and the social partners of the territory.
skills weekThe inauguration, that will be held during the European Vocational Skills Week, represents a good opportunity to launch the incubator’s activities and introduce youngsters and citizens to its services and offer.
The event will include the presentation of the grant of 140,000 Euros addressed to startups located in Pistoia. In addition a continuing professional education seminar targeted at teachers will be held in collaboration with the association Prometeo Fare Sapere with the aim to improve their capacities in the field of entrepreneurial skills and transition from school to work.
The initiative is promoted in collaboration with the Skillman.eu consortium and includes the presentation of the skillman.eu targets and deliverables.

The inauguration will take place the next 5 December 2016 in via Puccini 80, Pistoia, starting from 17h. Shirts, pens and key memories branded with the event logo will be available for participants.

For more information on the European Vocational Skill Week please visit #EUVocationalSkills, #DiscoverYourTalent

Entrepreneurs’ Mobility Satistics
SECRETARIAT 29 November, 2016
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Entrepreneurs’ Mobility Satistics