High-Level Meeting of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAFA)
The European Commission, Directorate General Employment, Social affairs and Inclusion, Unit E.3 – VET, Apprenticeships & adult learning, has organised the High-Level Meeting of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAFA) on 30 and 31 May 2017 at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Paola PLA, Valletta in Malta.

The event, aimed to celebrate four years of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships was available on webstreaming and was participated by stakeholders from all over Europe.

The two days meeting was enriched by many speakers from the European Social partners and by Mr James Calleja, Director of Cedefop and Mr Joao Santos, Deputy Head of Unit, DG EMPL. The programme was expecting to identify and design the targets of the Alliance for the next period analysing the state of the art of EafA after four years from Leipzig to Valletta. The highlights about the Alliance experiences and wishes given by the participant stakeholders were full of interesting topics as the conclusion that the apprenticeship has a value for both excellence and inclusion.

The ceremony ended with the signature of new pledges.

High-Level Meeting of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAFA)
SECRETARIAT 6 June, 2017
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