New EYE agreement with the school of music foundation of Fiesole (Florence)

Fondazione ONLUS Scuola di Musica di Fiesole signed the agreement with CSCS aimed at promoting together the ‘Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ Programme

Fondazione ONLUS Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, a non-profit Foundation at the forefront of musical literacy training, committed in the promotion of various initiatives addressed to raise awareness and support for young people, signed the agreement of collaboration with CSCS at the end of July 2019. The Scuola di Musica di Fiesole is promoting cultural exchanges, vocational integration and transnational cooperation initiatives and wishes to integrate the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs mobility support for its students who decide to start an entrepreneurial experience.

Both CSCS and Scuola di Musica di Fiesole are engaged in fostering economic development and entrepreneurial culture, creating new businesses and support innovation actions and will collaborate to diffuse the EYE Programme in the field of music and artistic production.

New EYE agreement with the school of music foundation of Fiesole (Florence)
SECRETARIAT 30 November, 2020
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