From Idea to Pivot to Minimum Viable Product

What started on 15 January as a rainy day with unclear thoughts about what is there for a New Entrepreneur, ended up on 15 May as a sunny day with a clearer plan on how to start a business. The story between the dates of 15 January 2018 and 15 May 2018 was a combination of work, passion, networking, lots of opinion exchanges and learning.

The relation started with the introduction of the office where I had the opportunity to meet most of the members of the team and also had the chance to connect with the Start-Ups working in the office at that moment. After being familiarized with the chores of the workplace and the lifestyle of London, we started working on several tasks according to their deadlines. The activities were very diverse time-based: some of the projects required months as others could be done in a few days of work. The tasks were diverse as well: most of the tasks were research-based but marketing, PR, data entry and project management also took important roles.
Besides the work needed by the HE, there was always room to learn independently and this was achieved by going to workshops, meetups, networking events and reading entrepreneurship books while going with the famous London Underground Tube. Feedback sessions didn’t miss the agenda neither.

I would recommend the experience to anybody who needs a push to start their Entrepreneurial lifestyle.



Hunnyadi Endre Marton
Sector of activity:
Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural products and services

Company name: Rural Instinct (

What was NE looking for: The opportunity to shadow an Entrepreneur which has roots in the Environment & Agriculture sector but also has insight on Eco-Tourism and CSR. Increase network and start own business.


Dr Bremley W.B. Lyngdoh
Sector of activity: Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural products and services

Company name: Worldview Impact Ltd. (
Exact location (city): London

What was HE looking for: Research on the potential of agri ecotourism in northeast India, Research on the potential of micro finance in Sub Saharan African countries at part of the new M2e project, Research on entrepreneurship ecosystem and entrepreneurship education in some EU countries


The Erasmus Young Entrepreneur is a positive exchange on both professional and personal level. The experience positioned me into an entrepreneurship ecosystem that gave me the right tools to go from an idea to a minimum viable product.

Hunnyadi Endre Marton • New Entrepreneur

This exchange has really benefitted my social enterprise in London by helping my team to further develop and expand our impact to other countries beyond the UK and EU borders.

Dr Bremley W.B. Lyngdoh • Host Entrepreneur
From Idea to Pivot to Minimum Viable Product
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 18 July, 2018
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