Learning digital marketing in Spain

The impact of the NE’s contribution on the hosts business

Excellent integration into our business. Progression of our understanding of xeriscape planting schemes and cultural business differences. Support around product and process improvements. Collaborative networks established beneficial for future shared growth.

Plan of activities:
Week 1-2
-Meet and become familiar with office, team members,business culture and work environment. -Knowledge requirements and training processes – create a plan of project engagement for the NE for the duration of his stay.
Weeks 3-8 – To proceed and improve, together the NE and the HE, the business plan. – To give an overview on seed production, cleaning and maintenance of selective wildflower species in UK and Greece. – To develop the SWOT analysis of the Business Plan.
Weeks 9-12 -To translate to the most convenient way for PM’s work range and build a time schedule -To refine the PM’s products to suit the Mediterranean region. – To improve a strategic plan on opening an market for PM’s product line in the Mediterranean region – To start , both the HE and the NE, a regional R&D research – To start planning a new R&D phase in Greece. – To start planning the first trials
Weeks 13-End -Evaluation of cooperation between the two parties (HE & NE) and comparison with the experience of the NE in Greece -Create a new R&D methodology. -Discussions on future collaboration in Greece and UK -Analysis of opportunities for further cooperation and create a new business in Greece.

Expected outcome:
Expected outcomes for NE
– To exchange knowledge and techniques on seed production, cleaning and maintenance of selective wildflower species
-To witness on-hand of the HE’s style of installing urban meadows and doing business
-To improve the strategic plan on opening an market for PM’s product line in the Mediterranean region
-To evolve his partnership with PM and become a better salesmen of your products in Greece
– To build a network of people that will interested of purchasing any surpluses of my future seed productions, after PM’s ordered quantities. Expected outcomes for HE
-To developing skills for addressing unexpected problems.
– To meet people with passion and new ideas about the industry.
-To get important information on how the market works in Greece.
-To cooperate with the ambitious entrepreneur and gain new ideas for our business and we expand our business horizons.
-To help the new entrepreneur to develop his own business in Greece and create new collaboration opportunities between HE & NE.

DURATION: 6 months


Panagiotis Paraschou 
Sector: (Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, auacultural and apicultural products and services)

To gain greater knowledge on seed production matters and to widen his network in the UK regarding selling individual wildflower seeds. To orchestrate a more efficient strategy for when he returns to Greece on establishing a market for the HE’s products as well as his seed start-up and landscape services.


Sue Franc, UK
Sector: (Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, auacultural and apicultural products and services)
Website: www.pictorialmeadows.co.uk

Pictorial Meadows is an offshoot of a wider social enterprise concerned with place-making. We have been developing new approaches and techniques for seed sown urban re vegetation solutions. We are seeking increasingly to share knowledge and techniques with entrepreneurial young horticulturalists and landscape architects who have an interest in this subject but are able to bring their localised knowledge of flora and cultivation techniques together with our technical and business knowledge to develop solutions that would work over much wider geographical ranges.

Sue was looking for an euthaisatic NE who has practical experience in the field of Pictorial Meadows product where the NE can act as a representative and vice versa as a seed producer in N.Europe. Sue was looking for someone who has a good understaning of the operations of the hosts organization – someone to share knowledge and experience as well as tips and good practices, and to take initative and propose effective solutions within the boundaries set by host entrepreneur.


It was a great experience and all my goals have been met.    

Panagiotis Paraschou • New Entrepreneur

Really happy with the programme – it’s been good for us and Panos.

Sue Franc • Host Entrepreneur
Learning digital marketing in Spain
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 30 September, 2017
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