Transnational partnership for interior design


Jorge Hernández  (Romania)
Sector of activity: Interior Design and Architecture

The NE was looking for a person who can motivate him to persue his dreams, to always develop his skills and to learn new knowledge.


Stephen Harnor (United Kingdom)
Sector of activity: Interior Design and Architecture

The HE was looking for an entrepreneur with a similar interest with whom can have a joint collaboration abroad.

DURATION: 4 months (from 10/06/2023 to 10/10/2023)

Description of activities, objectives reached, and outputs

The main idea was for the NE to develop personal qualities as an entrepreneur and gain knowledge and experience in interior design, while the HE aimed to enhance their mentoring skills and collaborate with a foreign architect. The NE and HE collaborated on various design projects, sharing ideas, and enriching their creative perspectives. NE's involvement in tasks and projects helped the HE in faster project implementation. The exchange also facilitated the HE's exploration of a new market, with the NE assisting in market research and potential collaborations. Overall, the exchange provided valuable learning opportunities for the both. The NE gained practical experience in the field and improved his skills. The HE enhanced his mentoring abilities, learned from the NE's cultural background, and expanded his knowledge in architectural design. It was a mutually beneficial exchange that fostered growth and collaboration in the field of architecture and interior design.bitions and performance events that are in the making.

Activities undertaken

The NE started taking part in customer meetings and learning essential lessons about how to comprehend client needs, collaborate with others, and choose materials and furnishings. The NE and the HE also worked together on developing their computer abilities by creating virtual models for HE's projects and showcasing them to clients using software for 2D and 3D designs. The NE took part in defining and assigning project budget and made a market research.

Benefits achieved

The NE improved his computer skills by using 2D and 3D design software, actively contributed to budget setting and allocation, and gained a thorough understanding of cost estimation, developed his communication, organizational, and management skills through active participation in meetings with potential clients. The HE received help in implementing his projects, new ideas for his business and services development and a new perspective for a future collaboration.


The exchange with the New entrepreneur has been truly rewarding. Mentoring and collaborating with his has allowed me to enhance my skills while sharing my experience in architecture. It has been inspiring to see the NE's growth and contribution to our projects, and I look forward to potential future collaborations and partnerships

Stephen Harnor • Host Entrepreneur
Transnational partnership for interior design
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 24 October, 2023
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