Bereczki Imola Réka (Romania)
Age: 55
Name of business: HappyNEST
Sector of activity: Education and training services

Földi Barbara (Hungary)
Age: 36
Sector of activity: Social economy / responsible entrepreneurship / CSR
DURATION: 6 months (from 02/08/2023 to 18/02/2024)
Description of activities, objectives reached, and outputs
NE sought to learn various aspects of non-formal education methods, group work techniques, business skills development, and achieving social impact.
HE aimed to share her business experience, diversify marketing and sales systems, and improve managerial concepts using NE's experience and research.
NE Objectives that were met:
Learned non-formal education methods and group work techniques.
Understood how to tailor techniques for different target groups.
Developed an more accurate business profile
Learned about social impact.
Enhanced business skills in marketing, sales, HR
Learned new methods shared by HE.
Deepened skills in securing long-term partners.
Conducted research.
HE Objectives met:
Utilized training experiences to diversify marketing and sales systems.
Shared positive and negative experiences for mutual learning.
Enhanced managerial concepts using NE's experience and research.
Provided unbiased feedback on NE's work, activity, and vision.
Activities undertaken
Initially, NE needed to understand the company's services and vision, engage with colleagues, and offer a workshop to enhance group work. Moving forward, NE delved into comparative analysis of marketing, sales, HR, and project management processes, supporting HE's work through data recording and guidance on prosocial behaviors. In the third phase, NE researched service delivery systems in Romania and Hungary, presenting findings, while HE detailed the company's methods and social impact.
Later on we started coming up with ideas for innovating conflict resolution methods, and started formulating a work plan. HE provided crucial mentoring. The final two months involved HE advising on marketing, NE exploring new ideas, and collaborative plan refinement. In the concluding phase, NE submitted a comprehensive report evaluating the collaboration, leading to the development of a partnership contract and scheme with HE, reflecting on the transformative half a year experience.
Benefits achieved
The program yielded significant benefits for both NE and HE:
❖ Enhanced knowledge of managing a business offering social and educational
❖ Improved skills in marketing, sales, and collaboration with other systems.
❖ Better strategies for developing long-term contracts and partnerships.
❖ Enhanced management capabilities through the mentoring process.
❖ Better understanding of the importance of community engagement and social responsibility.
❖ Access to new methods for implementation in company operations.
❖ Improved leadership skills through mentoring engagements.
❖ Enhanced sales and marketing capabilities through new partnerships.
❖ New possibilities of methods that can be implemented in the work of his company.
Common benefits:
❖ Establishment of a balanced and sustainable partnership.
❖ Assurance of long-term impact for both parties.
In summary, the program facilitated valuable learning experiences, skill enhancements, and the establishment of mutually beneficial partnerships between NE and HE.
Throughout the program I gained valuable insights in managing educational services that will have better social impact. From hands-on experience to strategic planning, I developed skills that will help foster partnerships and community engagement in my community ensuring impact and sustainability.
As a HE, collaborating with an NE sparked innovative ideas in educational training methods, as well as new working methods in our team. Embracing new strategies and partnerships, we enhanced multiple inner processes and by this we managed to foster growth and innovation for our company.