Young architect experience in Greece

HE: description of activities, objectives reached, and outputs
“Ionut Drogotel is a very talented architect and an exceptional person. He blended immediately with our team and our workflow being productive from the first minute. He is a dedicated professional and a hard-working person who addresses efficiently challenging tasks. He was involved in different kinds of design tasks in our office and succeeded in delivering all of them being adaptive and creative. He can perceive all scales from concept to detail. He really supported our team with his knowledge, creativity and of course his excellent character.”

NE: description of activities, objectives reached, and outputs
”Being part of this working environment helped me to get a glimpse about how an architectural office deals with its projects and its customers. The most important aspect of this exchange was about gaining an important amount of experience by designing alongside a winning architectural practice. Sharing ideas and brainstorming with HE allowed me to expand my designing approach and to conceive the architectural creational endeavor from a different perspective. Work management was a strong asset gained in this exchange period. I am picturing it as a key attribute which will absolutely shape my early career steps. Besides that, working on different kinds of projects, in different kinds of designing phases, offered me an overall picture concerning the amount of details a project requires. ”



Marian – Ionuț Drogoțel

MAD Architecture Atelier

Sector: Architecture & Design


Tsampikos Petras

 Petrās Architecture

Sector: Architecture & Design


“Working as part of an international architectural team it’s a personal aspiration and it’s a strong conviction about how this profession should really work. I am grateful that Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs offered me this opportunity as a foundation stone at the very beginning of my career. 

Marian – Ionuț Drogoțel • New Entrepreneur

Our experience on the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme was positive. Our NE helped us improve our design projects and attract new clients. He also made possible the delivery of very demanding projects and supported our team with great ideas.

  Tsampikos Petras • Host Entrepreneur
Young architect experience in Greece
SECRETARIAT 28 May, 2020
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