Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in architecture study

The focus of exchange is generally to improve and gain new skills in the terms of mutual benefits. During these 6 months, we managed to reach important points which we have determined before starting. To make a summary of the  activities, firstly, to understand the process of work and know more about the industry, customer relationship I attended some business meeting of companies. As NE, I analysed all the previous projects, tenders and bids of the company to have a better understanding of what it is the reason they have been selected or not selected. In both cases, we have been reached some conclusions to enhance the process of exchange. We started to apply different bids, tenders and  able to apply the lessons which we have analysed. Now we are waiting for the results of some tenders and bids. Also, we have tried to make a better picture of the company for marketing activities and trying to understand more the importance of marketing for SMEs. We have changed the website of the company, brochure, business cards etc and attend some business activities to promote the company. Lastly, during all this process, we have managed to understand better the opportunities of European Union for SMEs and analyse the ones which fit more with the aims of the company. Now we still continue the process of application for SMEs instruments phase 1.



Huriye Yıldız, 6 months, consultation to SMEs.
I would like to develop my own strategies for the aim of development of SMEs in that way I can offer more services to my clients in future. Also, I would like to gain confidence to start a new business, understanding how the host-entrepreneur maintains the business, understanding the design philosophy of host-entrepreneur from proposal to detailed design, exploring the potential of the market in the business in Italy to see further cooperation opportunities.


Mauro Aloisio
Tecnologia industrial Srl undertakes the development of automation and control projects, design & implementation of Software for Industrial Processes.We also would like to help the NE acquire the needed skills to run her business. Help the NE understand the way I work and the way I acquire customers and run design projects. Get new ideas, fresh trends from the young entrepreneur. Potential cooperation in the future. Learn more about the Turkish market


I want to mention about a sentence which shows the value of this program “Experience is one of the most expensive things you can get because it comes at the price of making mistakes” When I consider my duration here I can definitely say that I have had opportunities to see and analyse up and down experiences of the company which gave me a better understanding of how the business works. I have learned more about the process of tender, bids, how importance shaping  the image of the company and the ways to do it, I have learned more about the opportunities of European Union for SMEs. We have applied several tenders and bids. Also, even the relationship finish, we are in the process of application of SMEs instruments for the company. Also, this program doesn’t only give me the skills and knowledge of business but also the culture and language. I have had opportunities to improve my Italian, know the culture more thanks to all the amazing people I have met in Tecnologia Industriale. I definitely recommend this program.

Huriye Yıldız • New Entrepreneur

Thanks to Huriye, we have improved different strategies to apply tenders, bids and international funds opportunities. Tecnologia Industriale Srl become better in terms of company image with its marketing activities. We have become more aware of the European Union opportunities for SMEs. Now, I can say that we have good knowledge of Turkish market and opportunity to cooperate in the future. In addition to all of it, we are in the process of application of phase 1 of SMEs  instruments with the cooperation of NE.   

Mauro Aloisio  Host Entrepreneur
Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in architecture study
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 6 July, 2018
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Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in architecture study