Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Berlin, Germany

During the experience the NE learned more about how to start and run a

business in the creative field: which problems, opportunities and expectations.

She acquired the entrepreneurial skills needed to run own activity and increase her network of contacts. She discussed and reviewed the business plan together with the HE and found potential areas of improvement, by comparing her own business with the HE’s. She was also helped from the HE in creating a strategy for the growth of the business. On the other hand the HE learned more about the Italian market, explored opportunities for further cooperation and increased the network of contacts.

DURATION: 6 months


Virginia Bindi (Studio Super Santos)
Sector of activity: Design and Creative


Felix Wiesner (Schmitz & Wiesner)
Location: Berlin, Germany
Sector of activity: Design and Creative


The Erasmus project exceeded my expectations, maybe because I was lucky to find the perfect HE: it was a great opportunity to develop both my entrepreneurial competences and skills. Spending time abroad with a successful host entrepreneurs helped me to develop my self-confidence, to refine and reinforce my business development plan. I took part to an enriching experience at many levels: professional and personal mainly. Living in a different Country, meeting new people with a different culture and having the opportunity to collaborate with other professionals was a very stimulating oportunity. The Erasmus enabled me to strengthen my entrepreneurial qualities, to identify and transform my weaknesses but above all to learn working in peer with an expert host entrepreneur. And most important, it was a real opportunity to enlarge my current network of collaborators. For sure we will continue working together!

Virginia Bindi • New Entrepreneur

We participated to the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme as we strongly believe in the European idea (especially in Berlin you feel more European than German :))

Working with Virginia was a nice experience: meeting young and talented people and let their personality, experience and culture had an impact on our projects was one of our main objectives. This experience was very exciting, we totally ejoyed the time we’ve spend together and already plan to continue working together.

Felix Wiesner • Host Entrepreneur
Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Berlin, Germany
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 15 March, 2018
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Young spanish entrepreneur in a business exchange in Italy