Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Brussels, Belgium

During the first month of the exchange, Mrs Vivani has given Ms Mauriello a general overview of the company and supported Ms Mauriello in gaining in-depth knowledge of the environment and sector of activity of Moverim. Mrs Vivani has shown Ms Mauriello how to find important information related to business activity, and how to organise them through a newsletter.
During the second month, Ms Mauriello has concretely started to work on the current projects managed by Mrs Vivani and has participated in the daily tasks and responsibilities of the company (search for new partners, report drafting and mail-keeping, etc.), while pursuing the target researches and analyses of the business sector. Thus, in this period of time Ms Mauriello has started to carry out targeted researches, analysis and studies relevant to the business, working on specific project ideas. Ms Mauriello also took part to events and meetings related to Moverim activities and she participated in conferences and events on behalf of the company to establish new collaborations During the third month, Ms Mauriello has continued to actively participate in the daily tasks and responsibilities of the company and to write the newsletter for partners and clients. Both Ms Mauriello and Mrs Vivani have jointly conducted the monitoring of EU policies and programmes, with the aim of finding suitable funding opportunities for new project ideas.
Ms Mauriello has continued to work on the current projects managed by the Mrs Vivani and contributed in drafting new project proposals and budget planning. Ms Mauriello started to work on the implementation phase defining the workplan of the project she has been working on, and in the meantime she prepared the evaluation of the 3 months’ activities Both Entrepreneurs are willing to continue the collaboration in future activities.



Marzia Mauriello
She is a social scientist with some experience in the field of the European project manager. She wanted to do the exchange experience, that lasted three months, in order to acquire the skills and  knowledge in the field of business and project management focussing, but not only, in the frame of the European Funding Programmes such as H2020. Furthermore, she wanted to learn how to manage and start her own business in the field of the European project management consultancy.


Laura Vivani 
She is based in Brussels, Belgium, where she founded in 2001 Moverim Consulting, a company specialized in EU affairs and EU funding opportunities She is looking for partners to establish a network of collaborators all around Europe to amplify the opportunities of building competitive project at European level. For this reason, Erasmus entrepreneurs has been a great opportunity to set a future long-term collaboration with the NE, Ms Mauriello.


I found this exchange very useful since it gave me the possibility to acquire the necessary skills to start a business activity in the field of the European project management consultancy. As a researcher, I improved my knowledge about EU funding for R&I and I acquired strategic skills for fund raising, which are an important competitive advantage for a researcher career. Furthermore, I had the chance to deepening my knowledge about the European project management, and to participate in several conferences and events where I met potential clients and partners. Finally, this experience gave me the chance to establish a solid relationship with Laura Vivani, which might lead us to a fruitful and long-lasting cooperation. So, my evaluation on this experience is 100% positive and I totally recommend it.

Marzia Mauriello • New Entrepreneur

The Erasmus Young Entrepreneurs has been a great opportunity for me and my company to set a future long-term collaboration with the NE, Ms Mauriello, in line with the more general benefit of establishing a network of collaborators all around Europe to enhance the capacity of managing projects at European level. Ms Mauriello definitely benefited from this collaboration, too, as she improved her skills in searching for funding, especially in the frame of R&I projects, and acquired the expertise to manage her own business activity in EU project management consultancy. Ms Mauriello had the opportunity to participate in the organization of a workshop with the policy makers do bring evidence-based in the EU decision making process. Furthermore, she had the opportunity to participate to several events in Brussels where she was able to expand her network of potential clients and partners.

Laura Vivani • Host Entrepreneur
Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Brussels, Belgium
Skillman Secretariat 13 March, 2018
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