Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Greece

The project was based on very specific activities that the HE showed to the NE connected to the honey production and beekeeping. Implementing the activities both entrepreneurs developed their entrepreneurial skills through a shadowing process.

We together followed the entire process to produce honey and other products such as Propolis, Beeswax, Royal Jelly. We daily checked the beehives, to supervise the health of the bees, swarming intension and overpopulated hives. We produced new colonies, moves all of them in reason of the flowering of the trees, in a quite big areas in the North East part of Greece.



Toffolon Daniele Luigi,  Beekeeping and honey production.

Collaborating with an experienced entrepreneur abroad in my field I wanted to improve my business skills, and to have a clear idea of all the difficulties I could face in my own new company in the future. I wanted to improve my ability and skills in organizing activities and in managing different and unexpected situations.

I also wanted to build a plan that could give me the possibilities to grow my production from retail to big quantities, maybe by selling abroad.


Nikos Tselios

Beekeeping and honey production, Kozani, my objective with this exchange and collaboration with the was to grow my business capability. I wished to integrate the ideas of the new entrepreneur into my daily work. Furthermore, I wanted to improve my capacity to explain the methodology around my business to an external audience which I think can be helped by exchanging with a young entrepreneur from a totally different cultural background. I also want to improve my advertising and hope that the NE’s ideas and input will help.


This exchange was a positive experience for me, because I learned about lots of themes that are crucial in the procedure to start my own activity. For example how to manage the times for delivery simultaneously projects in different parts of the country or Europe, how to manage all the bureaucratic themes that are behind an architectural studio, how manage the publicity and image of the studio abroad or how to deal with clients and different professionals, belonging to other workareas such as suppliers and building service engineers.

Toffolon Daniele Luigi • New Entrepreneur

I decided to take part to the EYE as a HE because I believe that is through this kind of programs that we can share knowledge, ideas and work all over Europe. The most important theme of this experience is the creation of a network between professionals in the architectural world: after four months of tutoring and shadowing, it may be possible to consider the NE as a potential partner for future collaborations or competitions.

Nikos Tselios  Host Entrepreneur
Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Greece
SECRETARIAT 15 October, 2018
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