Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Ireland

The exchange is evolved in an Architectural Office in Dublin, the name is ArcDox, where the mains focus of the business is to develop the process and philosophy of the BIM (Building Information Modelling). Basically, Arcdox focused on Architectural Documentation, and using the latest technologies and processes, to achieve the highest quality building information, to better communicate and analyse design, and enable the efficient construction and operations of buildings. Arcdox, Is no just an Architectural Practice, is a BIM Centre that gives service like Production, Training and Support for other Company in the construction world The activity started with training, training software, training BIM, Training concept of BIM, training of the office rule and management office. After the first big step of training I started helping in an architectural design with the new software, the second activity in the office was the delivery of training for client and especially training for the strategy for looking for new clients. Another big activity was another architectural, engineering project where I have put my contribute for 3 months, After this, I have spent my last months with a study of the building regulation to the housing design. Between the study of the building regulation to the housing design. Between the projects, there was some activity of very interesting training for the aspect of the managing office through a good knowledge of the Irish market and of Irish Architectural.

DURATION: 5 months


Davide Ferrai
Sector of activity: Construction sector and real estate, Architecture, BIM, Revit

What was he looking for:

  • knowledge of the new market and new people to develop an international business.

  • Improve my manager features – Do an important experience for my future business

  • Know a new market, new kind approach to design, get to know more about a new Culture

  • Possibility of a new partnership


Pat Slattery
Sector of activity: Managing Partner, ArcDox, BIM Consultancy
Exact Location: Unit 311 Q-House 76 Furze Road, Sandyford, Dublin Ireland

What was he looking for:

  • a very strong new relationship based on confidence and loyalty

  • High level of enthusiasm and good understanding in terms of concepts, organization and management

  • Then we can build a partnership on international projects in new/ old areas, therefore possibly a new partnership Expected outcomes for the Nee


The program was a great opportunity to develop and broaden my knowledge of BIM in architecture. I really increased my potential and skills thanks to the help of the great people at ArcDox, who was always ready to help me. It provided a good opportunity to prove myself to be able to work in a foreign office and understand the business strategies that could allow me to pursue my career and start my business sometime in the future’, said the new entrepreneur.

Davide Ferrai • New Entrepreneur

The EYE program is an excellent opportunity for our company to share our knowledge and experience of running a business with the new entrepreneur and our specialist domain knowledge. We have greatly benefitted from the engagement with the entrepreneur, their enthusiasm to learn, their own knowledge and effort, and we look forward to possible continued engagements in the future, with the opportunity to extend collaborations outside of Ireland.’ said the host entrepreneur.

Pat Slattery • Host Entrepreneur
Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Ireland
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 25 June, 2018
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