Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Madrid

Our companies are serving the same industry in 2 different ways: Nausdream is a tour operator focused on boat experiences and Transparent is specialized in analyzing data of the Vacation Rental Market. The exchange has been based on being in the same industry, Tourism. We focused our efforts in finding ways to help both companies to grow. We organized the period in 3 main “clusters”:

  • Getting to know our companies;

  • Technical knowledge exchange;

  • Applying knowlege learned.

Here the details of the Proposed plan of activities:

Week 1: Getting to know the Host company
week 2: Getting to know the Host company
week 3: Understanding the data sets and how to use them
week 4: Understanding the data sets and how to use them
week 5: Market trends in Spain
week 6: Market trends in Italy
week 7: Marketing analysis
week 8: Marketing analysis and marketing strategy for the NE’s business
week 9: Apply the marketing strategy
week 10: Apply the marketing strategy
week 11: Analysis of results and improvements
week 12: Management of customers and sales
week 13: Management of customers and sales
week 14: Management of customers and sales
week 15: How to manage the company (tools, resources etc.)
week 16: How to manage the company (tools, resources etc.)
week 17: How to manage the company – management systems (ERP)
week 18: Management of Human Resources – strategies
week 19: Management of Human Resources – costs
week 20: Understanding investors
week 21: Investment contracts
week 22: Opportunities for cooperation
week 23: Opportunities for cooperation
week 24: Final debrief with all departments.



Ousmane Dieng, Tourism

Looking for expanding network and entrepreneurial skills.


Pierre Becerril, Tourism, Madrid, opportunities in the nautical sector.


Thanks to Pierre I’ve been able to reach out with many professional contact in our industry and to see with my eyes what it takes to keep being successful as the company is growing. I would definitely recommend for entrepreneurs at their first experience.

Ousmane Dieng • New Entrepreneur

We could expand our network and analyze opportunities in both the industries. Also, thanks to the NE, we got in contact with the Italian Tourism Agency for a possible collaboration.

Pierre Becerril • Host Entrepreneur
Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Madrid
SECRETARIAT 5 June, 2019
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