Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Seville, Spain

The field of application of this exchange is related to the whole architectural and management process that leads to the achievement of building projects in different scales and involves tutoring by several professionals. The NE will also have the advantage of learning how to manage a project at an higher level, establishing connections with partners of other countries, working in an affirmed and international Architectural Studio.



Alessia Panella,  Architecture

The EYE Program represented a big opportunity for me to be part of an affirmed Architectural Study, experience that will help me to start my own activity with greater awareness of the mechanisms that enable this kind of business to work.In order to complete my professional training, I think it is really important to live a period abroad, to experience a different reality from what I have been used to until now and to have a comparison with professionals from all over Europe.


Anja Sophia Ehrenfried
Company: Citythinking., Architecture
Location: Seville (Spain)

We wish to participate as an experimented Host Company in the “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” programme, because we find interesting the collaboration with a young aspiring entrepreneur, who may provide a different point of view, marked by the fact that the NE comes from a different country, sharing knowledge, skills and ideas.


This exchange was a positive experience for me, because I learned about lots of themes that are crucial in the procedure to start my own activity. For example how to manage the times for delivery simultaneously projects in different parts of the country or Europe, how to manage all the bureaucratic themes that are behind an architectural studio, how manage the publicity and image of the studio abroad or how to deal with clients and different professionals, belonging to other workareas such as suppliers and building service engineers.

Alessia Panella • New Entrepreneur

I decided to take part to the EYE as a HE because I believe that is through this kind of programs that we can share knowledge, ideas and work all over Europe. The most important theme of this experience is the creation of a network between professionals in the architectural world: after four months of tutoring and shadowing, it may be possible to consider the NE as a potential partner for future collaborations or competitions.

João Gomes  Host Entrepreneur
Young Italian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Seville, Spain
SECRETARIAT 26 September, 2018
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