Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Berlin-Germany

The exchange was a 4 months term preparation of my own (NE) business plan while I was shadowing the HE brand in most of their business/design related activities. From getting familiar with the business, in the beginning, going through understanding the evolution they had since they’ve started, I participated in tasks such as designing, assisting and helping in the PR strategy, learning about suppliers and the communication with them. I have also been lucky to be part of the brand’s step forward in moving location and opening one shop in Berlin, a fact that provided me with a lot of knowledge regarding logistics, costs, advantages and disadvantages of increasing production and taking risks.

Going through all of this together with the two entrepreneurs and their ve interns, I understood the value of human resources and I have managed to get an idea of the further steps I should take as a young entrepreneur.



Andra Handaric
Duration of exchange: 4 months
Sector of activity: Fashion/Apparel Design and accessories

Main goal: To understand the parameters of a small scale fashion studio and be able to apply them in my own business model.


Sector of activity: Fashion/Apparel Design and accessories
Current Location: Pügerstraße 11, 12047 Berlin, Germany

Main goal: Having an enthusiastic, fresh insight from a young, creative entrepreneur, also establishing new relationships in new markets;


I would totally recommend this experience to all young entrepreneurs, new in their eld, as it really provides a wider perspective on what would work and what wouldn’t in their own initiative. Also, it gives the opportunity to observe and assist various changes and business fluctuations and their repercussions without risking their own business. it is very helpful on many levels: from professional to personal and inspirational. Having to also live abroad while learning about all the business aspects is also an opportunity to meet new people from connected fields, relationships that can be later productive for their own business.

Andra Handaric • New Entrepreneur

It was definitely a good decision to be part of the program and have Andra as a guest entrepreneur. We really enjoyed her positive energy and enthusiasm. Also, she was a relying part of the team in terms of design and concept suggestions and she was proactively helping us, providing her with practical skills and theoretical knowledge.

UY STUDIO • Host Entrepreneur
Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Berlin-Germany
SECRETARIAT 2 August, 2018
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