Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Cyprus

I stayed in Cyprus for 5 months (it was supposed to be 4 months but I did a request for an extension). When I arrived, I got informed about HE’s business and activities. During January I and Andreas got familiar one with other and I took part in daily activities of business: ceramic workshops at Doros village every Saturday, preparing clay, to modulate ceramic pieces inspired from ancient period (oil lamp and pots), to make firings in a traditional kiln based on wood, to paint on ceramic surfaces with natural colors found in Limassol’s area, how to organize ceramic workshops during Silent Artouch project and others.
During February, March and April I took part in all activities organized by Silent Artouch project funded by Culture Minister from Cyprus. I learned much more about Cypriot ancient period and specific methods by doing every step, also the system “to do it”. For final exhibition of Silent Artouch and Flower Festival, I prepared two different jewellery collections based on the ancient period and flowers (here I used laces, tools for texture, modern techniques). For both collections, people have many positive feedbacks so this encourages me to continue in this amazing field and create new pieces.
At the end of April, I requested an extension with one month and it was approved. It was a happy moment for me that I will stay yet in Cyprus, an amazing country! During May I was involved in the writing of proposals for funding and preparing the collection for Flower Festival. I learnt how to manage a business in this field and understood how to deal with all aspects of the business.

I felt very involved and I gained so much experience and knowledge which I will apply them when I am back in Romania. And a very important thing for me: I was respected as a normal person, not as a disabled one.



Cristina Munteanu, ceramist artist

I was looking to learn how to manage a ceramics business before starting my own


Andreas Fasoulides, ceramist, Germasogeia Limassol

I was expected to find a good partner in order to expand and reach a bigger culture market.


For sure, this exchange is very positive and which has enriched me professionally. I gained experience using ancient and old techniques in modelling clay and firing them, understanding how history can influence lifestyle of people, the system ‘to do’ an artwork inspired from the ancient period, writing proposals for funding, meeting new people, improving my English and communication skills. Sometimes, as a deaf person, I face barriers in communication and understanding…when I don’t understand something I need to repeat one or twice time until I get it. I am feeling lucky that I met Andreas, who had big patience with me at each stage of the exchange period.
I would recommend him as HE for next NEs who want to manage ceramic business because he has valuable knowledge and experience in ceramic and Erasmus field.

Cristina Munteanu • New Entrepreneur

It was a challenging and most interesting experience to cooperate with Cristina and I really felt very lucky one. This is happening because I have now the chance to address the culture and the social market in Europe and in Mediterranean countries by founding TERRA ARTE institute with Cristina, Maria Fasoulides and too other associate members.

Andreas Fasoulides • Host Entrepreneur
Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Cyprus
SECRETARIAT 26 July, 2018
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