Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Italy

Activity plan: Week 1 ( 28.08-01.09.2017) – getting familiar with the HE’s business, to the new working environment; – short training activities; understand the approach and strategy of the HE; – developing a strategy for the NE’s work during the internship. Week 2-4 (04.09-22.09.2017) – performing practical tasks by involving the NE in a project that help him to understand how it works in the energy sector, what are the initiatives, legislation, operations possible, the limits; – getting familiar with the project management in the energy sector; – learn about financial management; learn about marketing strategies; – developing a marketing strategy; tracking a marketing campaign. Week 5 (25.09-29.09.2017) – applying the acquired knowledge in the NE’s business plan, within the boundaries set by the HE; – making suggestions related to the NE’s business plan; discussing the possibilities and opportunities for extending the HE’s activity; – discussing the opportunities for further collaboration

DURATION: 4 months


Flueras Vasile Alexandru
Telecommunication and Energy at New Generation Telecom SRL-D
Cluj-Napoca, Romaia


Antonio Ciccarelli
SEA – Servizi Energia Ambiente SRL
Energy Efficiency – ESCo
L’Aquila, Italy


Understanding how this type of business activity works; – Improving the theoretical knowledge in renewable energy domain and the practical skills in the entrepreneurial field;

– Getting experience in working within a foreign organization, as part of an international team of professionals;

– Getting further collaboration partnerships;

– To have a mentor for my business;

– Understanding the business approach to experienced entrepreneurs.

After all the time I’ve spent in L’Aquila at SEA, I’ve gain more confidence in myself, I have higher expectations from myself now and I know I can do it because of the good will that people at SEA showed towards myself. I’ve came back much smarter with some great memories. The people in SEA were really nice to me and always helped me with everything they could. I am happy for having the courage to participate in this program.

Flueras Vasile Alexandru • New Entrepreneur

– Expanding the collaboration with other countries, in this case with Romania, in order to expand and enhance my business potential;

– Sharing current and future projects with the NE.

Antonio Ciccarelli • Host Entrepreneur
Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Italy
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 17 January, 2018
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