Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Italy

The activities during this exchange were related to the management of a law firm, focusing on the approach and strategy related to the customers. The cooperation was mainly with the HE, but NE met also clients, partners and other collaborators. Responsibilities of NE during this period were the following: getting informed about the business activity of the HE, taking part in the daily activities of the HE, sharing her experience and knowledge with the HE, taking working related initiatives, making decisions and finding efficient solutions within the boundaries set by the HE. Responsibilities of HE during this period were: informing the NE about all business activities of the HE, introducing the NE to some active projects of the HE, giving advice to the NE about entrepreneurship.



Florina Mihalache, 9th of January- 9th of February 2018, legal services domain. I have applied for this programme for many reasons, but the two most important were to gain the know-how on running a business and to catch a view of the Italian judicial & legislative system.


Avv. Chiara Motta, a lawyer in criminal and family domain.I have applied to this program for the main following reasons:

1) to offer to a young aspiring attorney the opportunity to live the experience of a legal environment abroad, as I would have liked to do when I was young;

2) to gain the chance to relate with a young foreign student, to know her background, her ambitions, her idea of running a business.


Working in a law firm in Italy was a great and a fruitful experience from four points of view:
(1) I gained a significant number of information about the Italian legal system and I have practised and improved my research and writing skills during the drafting of my assignments ;
(2) I had the pleasure to discuss with Chiara (the HE) about her business and to obtain some precious advice towards entrepreneurship and not only.
(3) I met wonderful lawyers (such as Ileana- Chiara’s associate) who gave me answers to various questions about the legal professions.
(4) I had the opportunity to exercise the English language and to learn some Italian. I totally recommend this kind of exchange!

Florina Mihalache • New Entrepreneur

Working with a young aspiring attorney coming from another country of the European Union was a positive and rewarding experience. This gave me the chance to keep in touch with a point of view of a younger generation. This difference of generation was helpful to me in order to think about new forms of advertising in my business. I had the opportunity to have a look upon a foreign legal system and to discuss with Florina about differences between Italian and Romanian legislation. This comparison made us more open and free from stereotypes. Florina was very brilliant, I think she will be a competitive lawyer. My collaborator Ileana had the chance to improve her English and I am very grateful to her for the precious help. I really recommend this kind of exchange!

Avv. Chiara Motta • Host Entrepreneur
Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Italy
SECRETARIAT 26 July, 2018
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