Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Porto, Portugal

Our exchange was based on cultural entrepreneurship, giving the New Entrepreneur the chance to develop a clear image of what it means to go from an idea to a business in the creative industry and gain experience by participating in the organization of events in an international environment. At the same time, the Hosting Entrepreneur benefited from a new perspective from a different cultural context in his business.



Andreea-Cristina Mircea spent 5 months in Porto, Portugal. The work took place in OKNA -Cultural Space that is the gallery and workspace of the HE organisation PLUS EAST -ASSOCIAÇÃO CULTURAL.

The NE objectives are at an entrepreneurial, professional and personal level related to the cultural sector and art environment, areas of huge relevance in her business idea and future career wish.


Radu Sticlea as a HE was searching for a NE that has the background in cultural work and that finds the objectives of PLUSEAST relevant.

At the same time, he was interested in new perspectives about cultural entrepreneurship and a potential member of his team in organizing BEAST Film Festival 2019.


I think this program is an amazing opportunity to get to know the “real-life” context of your potential career choices and options, in a different country, so that you get to have not only a professional learning chance but also a personal-growth experience.

Andreea-Cristina Mircea • New Entrepreneur

Getting the opportunity to inspire a young entrepreneur gave a whole different value to my working experience. I believe it’s important to work in a multicultural environment, therefore the aspect of the international cultural dialogue within this program is essential for both professional and personal growth.

Radu Sticlea  Host Entrepreneur
Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Porto, Portugal
Skillman Secretariat 5 September, 2019
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