Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Spain

As a young entrepreneur with my own new company and an online business idea, I learned a lot about a lot of what it takes to run an online business and about managing an online e-commerce platform. By working in the setup and implementation of a payment solution, I now have knowledge in its implementation for my own e-commerce website. I also created and managed social media campaigns for promoting online businesses and growing their online communities, something that will also help me in growing my online business as well.
By delegating some of my tasks to the HE’s team, I’ve learned about the importance of managing a team and the available resources, in order to successfully implement a project and reach deadlines. I’ve created contacts that will help me improve my business idea and successfully launch this business idea and others. I’ve also created a strong interpersonal and business relationship with the HE which will help me in the long run, both for my current business idea, as well as for future collaborations and new business ideas. I’ve closely watched the HE’s business approach in managing a larger company than mine, with a complete team of people with various skills and abilities.
Watching how the HE delegated responsibilities and managed his team and myself, I’ve learned what I should do, and should not do. Based on what the HE showed me and told me about internationalization, and on the contacts he made for me in this respect, I’ve learned that the internationalization is a strong opportunity for my business on the long run and that creating contacts is an important aspect of a business. As a side effect, helping the HE in drafting European/local funds reports showed me the opportunity of applying for these types of funding that could help my business and my company in the future.



Laslo Daniela, 4 months stay in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain, with an IT (online e-commerce) business idea, looking to learn more at an entrepreneurial, professional and personal level and to develop the e-commerce platform and its sales.


Alfonso Rodriguez Lecuona, working in an IT company
Location: Santa Cruz de Tenerife,

Looking for an entrepreneur with a background in business management, IT or Digital Design.


This exchange experience has been a unique experience thanks to the great working environment that the HE has created for me and thanks to the opportunity to learn what it means to work in the IT field in another European country with beautiful landscapes and awesome (working/local) culture. I would recommend this experience to anyone who would like to learn a new language or improve his/her Spanish language (the linguistic immersion is the best way!), who likes to visit incredible mountain, sea and green nature landscapes, who would like to learn how it is like to work in a different work culture and style, and who would like to learn more about the Spanish IT market and client profiles. This programme really allows getting an insight of what entrepreneurship means.

Laslo Daniela • New Entrepreneur

Daniela is an example of dedication, professionalism, continuous learning and personality.

Dr Bremley W.B. Lyngdoh • Host Entrepreneur
Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Spain
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 26 July, 2018
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