Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in the Netherlands

Through this exchange I got the opportunity to work with an international team on projects behind Europe’s boundaries and the materials/technologies used here. I was given the chance to work on a project from the very beginning, which meant research until the schematic design, following gradually the evolution of the design.

I also was part of a successful business, making this experience important on an entrepreneurial level too. I got the chance to see how the interaction with the clients is done, how a team that works on the same project can be coordinated, on a wider view, how an architectural office is being run, lessons that can later be applied to my own future business.

DURATION: 2  months 


Daiana Bercea

My expectations from this programme are mainly about acquiring as much experience as possible in order to enhance my skills and to improve my business plan, to learn sales and marketing techniques and how to solve different crises. Finally yet importantly, I am ready to get to know and form durable partnerships with people from different backgrounds and to share my own views with them, in order for this exchange to become a win-win experience.


Olav Bruin  
Office name: Atelier Nomadic (architecture office) 
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands


his programme is an amazing opportunity for someone at the beginning of their career, as they are working alongside people that succeeded in this field, people from which there is a lot to learn. EYE gives the NE the chance to see how a business is run beyond the boundaries of the home country and apply all this knowledge in their own firms afterwards. This was also a chance to practice architecture and so improve the designing skills, to interact with clients and respond to their needs in the best way possible, to work in an  international team with extensive entrepreneurial skills that are willing to share.

Daiana Bercea • New Entrepreneur

The NE got the opportunity to learn how a design process is organized, starting with research on the building typologies, the specific local conditions such as climate and culture, and available building materials. This all divided over the different design stages in which a design develops from a concept to the technical design and how to communicate and present these materials to the client and various other consultants.

Olav Bruin • Host Entrepreneur
Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in the Netherlands
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 28 January, 2020
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