Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in the Netherlands

During the exchange, the NE had the opportunity to learn how to run a business by shadowing the HE and understand the process of starting up a company from both the HE as well as by getting to know the businesses based in the space technology incubator in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
The NE got the opportunity to work closely with the team of SBIC Noordwijk to organize a very successful business case competition in collaboration with CNES France – ActInSpace – where almost 100 aspiring entrepreneurs had to create and pitch a business case in less than 24 hours.



Florin Tudor had a three months stay at SBIC Noordwijk.
During the exchange, he had the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship and startups and got introduced to the use of space technology in everyday life.


The mission of SBIC Noordwijk is to increase entrepreneurship and to help creative and enterprising people to develop their skills in an international setting.
 The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program allows SBIC to expand their target audience, by having the opportunity to share their knowledge, experience and network across European borders.


This exchange gave me the opportunity to learn about starting a business and access to new and experienced entrepreneurs from the Netherlands. It was a great learning experience and I feel very confident about starting my own company, after getting to see so many businesses start, grow and become successful

Florin Tudor • New Entrepreneur

Through our participation in the program, we hope to receive insights and new ideas from enthusiastic participants and to meet new people who are eager to learn about entrepreneurship, startups and space technology. It was great to have Florin as part of our team

ASBIC Noordwijk • Host Entrepreneur
Young Romanian Entrepreneur in a business exchange in the Netherlands
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 23 July, 2018
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