Young Serbian artist in a business exchange

Erasmus For young Entrepreneurs exchange program is a program which gave me chance to work with an expert and work in abroad. My exchange was in Treviso/ITALY.I worked in Nefeli Education. During my exchange, I had collaboration my HE we worked in some areas which are about writing, management and training of Erasmus Projects. We did together our Projects’ implementations in the local place and with the other organizations in the territory.



Marija Zdravković ( painter)
Name of Business: Art Link (“Art Link brings ART to life”)

I was born in Belgrade in 1980. I graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, Department of Painting (2010). I am a member of the Association of Fine Artist of Serbia. In 2018 I had solo exhibition in gallery ULUS in Belgrade. In 2017, I had several solo exhibitions: in the gallery at the Institute for Cultural Development Studies in Belgrade, the gallery of the Belgrade Fortress, the Grand Gallery of the Fine Art Salon of the Cultural Centre in Novi Sad, and in the gallery of the Homeland Museum in Ruma. In 2016, she was granted a residential program GloArt in Lanaken, in Belgium, together with several artists from the region. In the period from 2012 to 2014, I was an associate and assistant in the performances The Lost Humanity and Les Tenebre, performed in Norway in collaboration with the Norwegian artist Liv Kristin Holmberg. I live and work in Belgrade.
In February 2018 I started program Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs where I had amazing experience connecting with a very creative and professional host entrepreneur Mr LIE Truls, from company Film AS. First month has been very active in terms of my integration into the Mr Truls`s workplace. Mr Truls was very helpful in showing me how does it look like running a magazine. This first month was very intense because new number of magazine was in preparation to be printed. For me it was a great opportunity to see what the process looks like from the very beginning.
My main task was to communicate and make connections with writers and potential buyers. Mr Truls directed me to some people that may be useful for me when building a better approach. I learned a lot how to use online marketing tools and I am seriously thinking about focusing on doing a bit more research on the field.
March was very important month for my personal development in working on the concept of my project. The fantastic experience was my business trip with HE to Copenhagen film festival. There I could learn more about promoting one cultural Magazine as is ModeranTimes review.
Daily we were meeting film directors, writers and other artists, had talks about goals and intentions of the Magazine. That was very important experience for me to connect with people who are working in the same filed as me. In that process HE helped me identify pros and cons of my approach and helped me analyze my target market in more depth.
HE helped me to get a clear view and a good grip on digital marketing strategies which will be of crucial importance especially in the beginning of the my project’s development faze.
Mount after mount I saw my mental improvement and my clarification in ideas and thoughts. HE was very generous to share this experience with me and I am very thankful for having this opportunity to improve my self.
April was amazing month for my experience of underestimating everything I learned in past months. This month was fully dedicated to my studies on digital marketing approach and approach to potential clients, as well doing the thorough market research.
This is the field I felt most insecure about, so this whole month was dedicated to my good solid grounds and realistic insight into the market.

After the 4 month period of time I gain the basic knowledge and valuable advice on opening my own business. This knowledge together with useful technical tips will make the process of opening and running a business much easier for me. Beside these mostly technical details, I will be able to identify my target market better and fine tune In my approach when it comes to digital marketing. Other than that, I gained much needed skills connected to running and editing a magazine which are of crucial importance when it comes to making my own project successful.


Truls Lie
Name of Business: Truls Lie, editor-in-chief

I am certainly editor-in-chief and publisher of the newspaper, Ny Tid a leftist newspaper originated in 1953 and Modern Times Review, more culturally oriented, deals with artistic content, documentaries, exhibition, performances and books.

In 2008 established and owned company FILM AS where I am director and producer. When Marija came in our office she brought her artistic knowledge and overview on new artistic trends that we could incorporate into our business. Also I was thrilled that I could get a partner for cultural cooperation in the future. We both share the passion for culture and art. This made our cooperation easygoing and efficient.

Marija was engaged in many different daily activities such as contacting potential clients, talking part in planing with magazine editors and writers, helping me to choose potential topics for the next magazine issue, working on new pilot projects and so on. We are working in multicultural surroundings which allowed her to come in contact with many different people, with completely different backgrounds and cultures.


This program allowed me to gain valuable knowledge about starting and running my own business, taking market and financial circumstances into account. Second would be that I learned more about managing a magazine and choosing the adequate structure and layout most appealing to the readers, which HE helped me learn about through his personal experience. And maybe most important I gained new contacts and experience in working in multicultural environment.

Marija Zdravković • New Entrepreneur

I think I gained a valuable partner with long term cooperation possibilities. Also, I got a knowledgeable coworker for developing my new pilot projects. And, finally and think most important is that Marija brought fresh approach and creative ideas that will refresh my business.

Truls Lie  Host Entrepreneur
Young Serbian artist in a business exchange
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 13 July, 2018
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