Young Turkish Entrepreneur: EYE helped me find my own power, passion, enthusiasm and ambition

The program proved to be a very valuable experience for the NE, who graduated in Industrial engineering and worked five years as a professional. She had always thought of running her own business but never had the guts to do it. During the experience, she learned skills in different aspects, such as restaurant management, business fundamentals, and customer satisfaction. The experience helped her find her own real power, passion, enthusiasm and ambition about the things she loves and the things she believes.



Süleyman Miraç Baytekin from Turkey


Hotel in Germany


This exchange gives you a great opportunity to work in a real field and the experience itself exceeds your own expectations. Finding the same opportunity without EYE is very difficult. This program offers you the chance to have great contacts from the business that you wanna run. More importantly, it allows you to have future possible collaborations. Without EYE, it takes years to attain the same experience and knowledge. Thus, it is like a good meal that is ready to eat.

Süleyman Miraç Baytekin • New Entrepreneur

I can honestly say that this program made me grow personally and ideally. I can see now that I can apply my ideas and run them in a healthy way in the real business and have sustainable success. This collaboration is a great example for new entrepreneurs.

Hotel • Host Entrepreneur
Young Turkish Entrepreneur: EYE helped me find my own power, passion, enthusiasm and ambition
Skillman Secretariat 6 October, 2019
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Young Turkish Entrepreneur in the UK: EYE helps you turn your inspiration and ideas into reality