Young Turkish Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Greece

In first week after introduction to HE’s company NE had a general view of the company and an aspect of the company management. After that HE and NE began the project planning, setting up the base of the project and exchanging general ideas. Together HE and NE planned the events and the activities of riding and yoga and meditation methods, set up timetables, organized the excursions and stay of the riders that participated on the project. Then HE and NE made the project known to the customers. NE had an active role sharing her ideas and passion with customers. HE used his experience in business to attract customers and NE enriched it with explanation for the new events. In event NE shared her knowledge about yoga and meditation. NE explained how it can work on riders to relax, control their stress and help their physical stance on motorbikes. HE leaded planning and budgeting part, organizing place, administration and communication parts by sharing his experiences and knowledge with NE. Then HE and NE organized many seminars about anger management, stress control, breathing techniques for riders to help them especially for situations in traffic. NE shared her psychology knowledge to prepare seminars and HE leaded planning and budgeting part, organizing place, administration and communication parts by sharing his experiences and knowledge with NE. And for last events and seminars NE took important role for planning, budgeting, and administration part to get experience for her future business. Between events HE and NE overviewed last weeks of work, events, activities, seminars and discussing and exchanging ideas about what was lack, what can be added more, what was very good. And at the end of the program HE and NE overviewed the program that completed ,what kind of experience they gained from each other, how this can help for their future plan.

Outcomes for the NE
I had chance to learn many things about managing a company from my host which will be very useful for my own business. I had opportunity to work in a european system and apply my techniques in another country with another culture that give me very precious experience. So I recommend this program for young entrepreneurs.

Outcomes for the HE
I learned about new trends from the NE and exchanged new ideas and methods on the way of working. The NE helped me to create and run my project about combining riding in nature and relaxation methods. Also I learned about the working methods in Turkey that will help me to expand my working horizons. For NE, she gained experience and confidence so that she can use these experiences to start a new business. I showed NE the methods I am using to work and also the way I run design projects so she got the necessarily supplies to open her own business when she gets back in her country.

DURATION: 4 months


Sinem Gül Şahin, psychology, meditation-yoga.

As a NE I was looking for gaining new experience to carry out a business under instruction of an experienced entrepreneur for my future business plan. And I would love to apply my working techniques in a different country with different people also to see differences and similarities of cultures, to see feedbacks to learn more.


Alexandros Kapetanopoulos, motorcycle industry, Peiraias
As a HE I was looking for experiencing new ways and create new events for motorcycle riders, including weekends with riding in nature combined with natural activities such as yoga and meditation. My main goal was to bring motorcycle riders from Greece and other European countries closer to Greek nature and combine it with some relaxation and healthy methods. I was expecting to host young entrepreneurs in order to exchange experiences and new ideas in the fields of combination of riding and natural life.


I had opportunity to work in a european system and apply my techniques in another country with another culture that give me very precious experience.

Sinem Gül Şahin • New Entrepreneur

The NE helped me to create and run my project about combining riding in nature and relaxation methods. Also I learned about the working methods in Turkey that will help me to expand my working horizons.

Alexandros Kapetanopoulos • Host Entrepreneur
Young Turkish Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Greece
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 8 August, 2017
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