Young Turkish Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Solar Energy Sector

Week 1-3 These weeks served to the NE to know the working environment, his new colleagues and got familiarity with the new country. In this weeks he also got a fast training on the main subjects as electro-technical engineering, solar photovoltaic power generation, energy storage systems, also by joining the normal working daily routine of the company.

Week 4-8 The NE worked close on the projects of the company in order to improve his engineering, project management, and field application skills. He was tasked to cooperate on the different projects and was involved in technical meetings to coordinate the activities with the other employees. He also took part in some marketing and commercial activities to improve his skills in sales and communication with clients.

Week 9-16 At the end of week 9 the NE have got a complete training on the technical, commercial and marketing activities. For the rest of the process, the NE started contacting potential customers for the markets of grid-connected and off/grid solar PV installations. During last month, the NE followed several complete projects, from acquisition to final commission, under the supervision of the Solartechno’s employees.



Tuğba Eke
Sector of Activity: Solar energy

Expectations from the program: Improving solar engineering skills, To develop marketing and management skills and create an international business network.


Marco Ghirardello
Sector of Activity:
Solar energy

Place of Company: Noordwijk, Netherlands

Expectations from the program: Establish a potential commercial relationship, Acquiretechnical and commercial info on the Middle-East market and Increase the commercial network.


EYE gave to me a chance to improve myself in many ways. During this program, I had plenty of important information that can be gained with long time experience. In addition to improving my professional work skills, I experienced working in an international environment.

Tuğba Eke • New Entrepreneur

EYE Program gives to chance to expand to global business market. Because of, most of the candidate is already experienced, these people can contribute company quite positively.

Marco Ghirardello • Host Entrepreneur
Young Turkish Entrepreneur in a business exchange in Solar Energy Sector
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 9 July, 2018
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